718 Tutoring:
Gifted and Talented
In the fluctuating NYC public school system, Gifted and Talent programs provide students with advanced curriculum, inspiring teachers, and are housed in schools with top resources and facilities.
The gateway to these programs is the Gifted and Talented test, administered each January for students entering kindergarten through 3rd grade the following fall.
The specific test format and conditions vary based on student age, but overall it consists of two sections: pictorial items from the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) and verbal test items from the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT).
The nonverbal G&T assessment measures reasoning skills without the use of spoken language. Children perform tasks such as completing patterns, sequencing, and connecting ideas in order to demonstrate an understanding of relationships and an ability to solve problems.
The verbal part of the test (the OLSAT) measures reasoning and comprehension skills that require children to pay close attention and listen carefully to oral instructions. The assessment includes tasks such as detecting likenesses and differences, recalling words and numbers, following directions, and establishing sequence.
Our tutors will provide your child with the practice, patience, reasoning and encouragement to perform as well as possible come test day.